To bulk up bass and bluegill, your training table must serve high protein.  A steady diet of Purina AquaMax pellets for bluegill.  Schools of threadfin shad or tilapia to accelerate bass growth. Properly designed, this strategy will score good weight gain from April to December. It’s time to evaluate the forage menu.

Bob emphasizes only one thing keeps bass or bluegill from reaching their potential— availability of food.  Remember, a bass must consume eight to ten pounds of baitfish to gain just one pound.  If you want to see how big a bluegill can get, view Bob’s photo on the website homepage.

Keep in mind that lake levels dropped to historic lows last summer.  Baitfish lost cover to escape predation.  Bass and other predators fed at will.  This will be a year for rebuilding food chains.  We recommend utilizing shad and/or tilapia to take pressure off bluegill so they can restore balanced populations.

Our minimum threadfin order is 5,000 fish. Stocking rates vary with individual goals.  Threadfin tolerate water temps to 42 degrees and survive four out of five North Texas winters.  Tilapia are stocked at 10 to 15 pounds per surface acre. Tilapia are tropical species and survive until early December when temps drop below 52 degrees.  Both thrive in ponds with plankton.  Establish a healthy bloom before stocking to promote prolific spawning.  Deliveries begin in April.

Tilapia serve a dual role—algae management.  If you have a good forage base, but nagging algae that covers the surface or interferes with fishing, tilapia are a great biological method for controlling algae. Stock 10 to 20 pounds per acre depending on concentration levels.

Demand for both species is increasing annually.  Place orders now!