External Factors that will Affect your Pond
Join Bob Lusk as he explores the external factors that can and will affect your pond... and what you can do to be prepared.
Join Bob Lusk as he explores the external factors that can and will affect your pond... and what you can do to be prepared.
Bob Lusk discusses how to properly stock your pond, how to do it right the first time.
Listen as Bob Lusk gives you tips on how to prepare your pond for summer. Get your pen and paper ready... make your list. We're here to help you make ...
Bob Lusk answers YOUR questions... Have an aeration problem? Wonder what to stock this time? What kind of food should I use? Listen in as Bob answers questions from our ...
Different baitfish serve different purposes. Learn about that, here.
Learn some of the finer points of growing Largemouth Bass. Bob Lusk, long time fisheries biologist, shares stories from his 37+ years.
Join Bob Lusk as he talks about the importance of aeration on your pond and lake.
Water...something we all take for granted. Let's learn about how important the quality of water is in our ponds and lakes.
You finally have a chance to get out to your pond or lake to do a little fishing. Now, how do you catch those BIG fish that you have been ...