Last month we mentioned not planting outside vegetation.  While on the subject, the same is true for fish.  We hear stories of  fishermen calling buddies to report they have a live well full of big bass and want to put them in the friend’s pond.  Has a neighbor talked about an over population of bass in his lake and wanted to share them with you.

Both well-intended gestures can lead to complications for the beneficiary of the fish.  Your pond may not have sufficient baitfish to support marauding, mature bass. It could quickly tilt the forage base in a negative direction.  Like your snack table if five or six robust friends with big appetites show up unexpectedly to watch a football game?

If your pond is near its carrying capacity, adding more fish may create stunting among future populations.  Some of the fish may be under developed and never reach their potential.  We know folks who have stocked new lakes with mature fish because they didn’t want to wait three or four years for them to grow.  It’s difficult to fool Mother Nature.  She has a proven plan.  It requires “patience”.

The “proven plan” is stocking baitfish first and letting them spawn multiple times to establish a strong forage base.  Then add fingerling bass.  With proper food chain planning, the fish develop in a balanced environment, and you’ll soon catch quality fish among all species, even bluegill.