Effects of Summer Evaporation
Early summer teased us with mild temperatures, but recent trends brought the stark reminder--dog days of summer are back. How does summer heat affect your pond? As temps reach high 90’ ...
Early summer teased us with mild temperatures, but recent trends brought the stark reminder--dog days of summer are back. How does summer heat affect your pond? As temps reach high 90’ ...
Folks with pond depths of only 6 to 10-feet must get creative to prevent losing limited water and fish during scorching summer seasons. Many successfully solve the challenge by supplementing water ...
We're at mid-term of the 2019 lake management season. Water surface temperatures feel like bath water. Fish are seeking cool, shaded zones like we're seeking air-conditioned comfort. Electrofishing surveys and fish stoc ...
Want to learn more about safe steps for summer stocking? As many of you know, peak summer months are the least desirable time to stock ponds. If circumstances leave no ...
In an earlier newsletter, we emphasized the importance of maintaining aeration equipment. This issue, we want to relate how aeration not only sustains a healthy environment, but provides an insurance po ...
How many feeders should you install? The general feeder ratio for a pond is one per three surface acres. Lake managers strive to maximize feeding programs so fish don't roam ...
We just discussed joys and benefits of feeding fish. Let’s review feeder options. Preferred models are directional units. But don't let a good deer feeder accumulate spider webs during ...
In past years, feeding fish was a past-time. Folks were entertained by the novelty of finny critters chasing floating food pellets on the surface. They had not been informed about ...
Hail All Hail Texas Brigades! Chanted by Dr. Dale Rollins on the first day of camp at the Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade. Dr. Rollins founded The Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade su ...