There’s no better forage combo than bluegill, tilapia, threadfin shad, and crawfish.  We featured bluegill and crawfish last month.

Filamentous algae

Tilapia are a laid back species that hang out around shallow zones grazing on —filamentous algae. It’s the slimy, hair-like vegetation that must be frequently stripped from your hook. Stock tilapia once in the spring as a biological method to control the annoying vegetation. Eliminate spraying monthly with chemicals. Tilapia reproduce every 21-25-days and contribute to the food chain.  Recommended stocking rate is 10-15-pounds per acre based on management goals.  Tilapia are not cold hearty and must be stocked each spring.

Threadfin shad continuously roam open waters.  They are caviar among the food chain.  Fertilize, grow abundant plankton, and produce bountiful schools.  Stocking rate is 1,000 per acre. Minimum order 5,000.  Shad and tilapia deliveries begin after April 15 depending on water temperatures.  Demand for both is growing annually.  Please order soon.  You can reach the Alabama office at 334-281-7703, or the Texas office at 903-523-4184. Or email us at [email protected].