The Otolith Bone Determines the Age of a Fish
Fish are aged by examining a small bone chip in their skull? The tiny chip is called an “otolith”. It exhibits growth rings like a tree. Biologist count the rings ...
Fish are aged by examining a small bone chip in their skull? The tiny chip is called an “otolith”. It exhibits growth rings like a tree. Biologist count the rings ...
According to research published at “In-Fisherman” magazine, electronic tracking studies clearly show that bass typically establish home ranges, learn their territories, and rapidly return if displaced short distances. Long displacements, ...
Bass have strong stomachs, but can’t digest soft plastic baits. Texoma Hatchery owner, Bob Lusk, observed a very thin bass and the biologist in him couldn’t resist investigating. ...
Waterfowl waste is a source of high nutrients in ponds. If large numbers of ducks or geese visit your pond this winter, carefully monitor water quality this spring as water ...
Did you know the life expectancy of a largemouth bass is 10 to 15 years? They live much longer in the wild than captivity. The longest known lifespan of a wild largemouth ...
Did you know a largemouth bass can digest a meal in 12 to 18 hours when water temperatures are in the 70 to 80 degree range? An “average” meal is digested in 8 hours. During ...
Largemouth bass can eat another bass 50 percent of their body length. Imagine a 20-inch bass eating another 10-inches long. Those feeding habits develop at an early age. When stocking fingerlings ...
Did you know a mature willow tree may consume 100 gallons of water “per day” during summer months? Closely manage willow growth. Remove existing trees. Consult a dirt contractor if they’ ...
A fish can breathe out of water about as long as you can hold your breath. Carefully handle catches, especially during summer months. When releasing a fish, hold it in ...