Nothing Disrupts Pond Use Like Vegetation

Filamentous algae? Stock tilapia.
How many times have you pulled up to the lake and it’s covered with algae? Nothing is more frustrating than cleaning vegetation from a lure after every cast. If eliminating problem pond vegetation is your resolution, here’s a plan.

Coontail or pond weeds? Stock grass carp.
We offer monthly maintenance from March 1 through November 30. The fee is based on your management goals. A biologist will visit the property once monthly. Materials such as fertilizer, herbicides, equipment parts, or related supplies required for general maintenance will be billed only as needed.
Each visit we:
- Make sure equipment is working. Everything from aeration systems to fish feeders and battery chargers.
- Keep feeders full and monitor feeding activity.
- Monitor fish growth rates.
- Catch and release a few from time to time to monitor relative weights.
- Help cull, as needed.
- Measure basic water chemistry.
- Monitor visibility to fertilize, if needed.
- Recommend liming, if and when needed.
- Watch for predators, especially cormorants and otters.
- Monitor aquatic plants. Treat as necessary.
- Implement custom-designed and approved management strategies, such as tagging fish for mark-and-recapture assessment.
You can find more information on our Pond Management services here. Ready to discuss your needs? Contact us here.